Though the days are short and the winter air is cold, TNFP garden participants are busy planning and training for the season ahead. Regular garden trainings with our Community Garden and Growing Together programs provides space for learning and knowledge-sharing.
Learning Together
We often say that food has the power to transform lives, and we see this so clearly in our Growing Together program. Growing Together is The Nashville Food Project’s agricultural micro-enterprise training program. Through it, we work to expand farming access and opportunity to a group of growers who are originally from Burma and Bhutan.
Building a Resilient Community
Food Crosses Cultural Boundaries
It’s a warm day in early October at the Nashville Farmer’s Market, I’m sitting at our table, assisting customers and rearranging the produce as the hours pass. The crowd has just picked up, and I observe some curious onlookers eye the assortment of unique vegetables on our table: from spikey bitter gourds to long, curling beans…