Elmahaba Center — Blog — Nashville Food Project

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Elmahaba Center

Joining Forces for Free Community Health Days

In late 2021, thanks to generous funding from Welcoming America’s Resilient Rapid Response Fund, the TNFP team had the opportunity to lean into a new form of community health and care. We leveraged our resources and community connections to increase opportunities for New American communities to access COVID-19 vaccines and health information with intentional language support alongside access to fresh, local produce distribution and other essential services.

Partner Spotlight: Elmahaba Center

We spotlight Elmahaba Center, a nonprofit serving the Arabic-speaking community, as well Ashraf Azer, interpreter for the Arabic-speaking gardeners at the Community Farm at Mill Ridge. We are privileged to host seven Egyptian gardeners on the farm this season and have loved learning about a specific type of green used to make Molokhia, a beloved Egyptian soup.